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We work to help our clients achieve results that improve health systems, services, and, ultimately, people’s lives.

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Found 441 results

Improving Immunization Service Delivery for Urban Poor in Ghana

The objective of this technical assistance (TA) was to conduct a robust diagnostics exercise of the current challenges in accessing immunization services facing urban poor living in the Ashanti, Western, Volta, and Greater Accra regions. Stakeholder engagement throughout the participatory process was critical to success. This included consultation and information sharing with key stakeholders at…

Strengthening Immunization Service Delivery to Urban Poor Communities in the DRC

JSI, in collaboration with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, is assisting DRC's Ministry of Health/Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) to develop and test strategies to help the immunization program to more effectively reach marginalized urban communities, with the ultimate goal of improving and maintaining high coverage rates among these communities. In the project's initial phase, JSI…

Rapid Immunization Skill Enhancement (RISE) in India

JSI is developing the Rapid Immunization Skills Enhancement (RISE) package with a capacity-building framework to cater to different levels of health personnel vis-a-vis program managers, medical officers, health workers, and mobilizers in India. JSI is implementing RISE under the Gavi Health System Strengthening Phase 2 Grant for India. The objective of RISE is to develop…

Building Healthy Cities

From 2017-2022, the USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project tested healthy urban planning approaches in Indore, India; Makassar, Indonesia; Kathmandu, Nepal; and Da Nang, Vietnam. Check out our virtual Project Accomplishments and Learning Exhibit to learn more about the project's work. BHC worked in partnership with Smart City initiatives and urban sector departments to build…

QuitNow-NH: Tobacco Helpline Marketing

Since 2008, JSI has developed and launched multiple statewide marketing campaigns for the State of NH to promote awareness and utilization of QuitNowNH.org and 1-800-QUIT-NOW services. Campaigns have been targeted over the years to the general NH population, low socioeconomic status individuals, and women of childbearing age. In 2010, the On the Road to Freedom campaign…

Ethiopia Health Management Information System Scale-Up Project (USAID)

Health management information systems and monitoring and evaluation (HMIS/M&E) are pivotal components of the Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP) of Ethiopia's Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH). Among the transformation agendas in the plan, Information Revolution gives paramount importance to maximizing the availability, accessibility, quality, and use of health information for informed decision-making at all levels…

Resilient and Responsive Health Organizations (HRSA)

JSI recognizes that high quality education, skills, and organizational capacity are paramount to building strong health systems. Yet many providers lack the skills to implement effective health programs, respond to health emergencies, and put learning into practice. Strengthening institutional capacity, while a daunting challenge in any setting, is further complicated in fragile states still recovering…

Zambia Supporting an AIDS-Free Era (USAID)

Despite significant progress towards reaching HIV epidemic control, Zambia continues to struggle with one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the world: 12% of persons aged 15-49 are infected, with significant impact among women and men ages 25-34 as well as adolescent girls. The USAID SAFE: Supporting an AIDS-Free Era Program is a $142 million…

Subcutaneous DMPA Access Collaborative

Through the Access Collaborative, JSI is helping to expand contraceptive access and options. Launched in 2017, Access Collaborative, led by PATH and JSI, has supported more than 20 countries to facilitate planning for introduction and scale up of subcutaneous DMPA (DMPA-SC, marketed as Pfizer’s Sayana® Press). The Access Collaborative provides technical assistance to support the…

Vaccination Training for IOM/USRAP

The US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) vaccination program ensures the vaccination and health examination for the pre-departure of all US-bound refugees. To support the rapid expansion of the vaccination program, USRAP intake center staff across many countries must be trained quickly and thoroughly on proper vaccination practices. To help address this growing need, JSI is…

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