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Found 441 results

UNFPA Reproductive Health Supply Chain Assessments Project, Phase II

UNFPA plays an essential leadership role in contraceptive security. Working at the global and country levels, UNFPA supports the delivery of contraceptives and lifesaving maternal health supplies to ensure availability and choice of quality family planning and reproductive health commodities available when and wherever they are needed. But these goals are hindered by suboptimal supply…

San Francisco CalFresh Marketing Campaign

JSI is working with the San Francisco Human Services Agency (SFHSA) to develop materials for a community-based social media campaign that will drive enrollment in the CalFresh program among San Francisco residents. To this end, JSI will conduct research to determine key barriers that residents face to enrolling in the CalFresh program and inform the…

Uganda Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services-North, Lango (USAID)

Working with the Ministry of Health and local district governments, JSI led the USAID-funded Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services-North, Lango (USAID RHITES-N, Lango) project to strengthen the health system in the Lango sub-region of Uganda to improve access and availability of quality health services for individuals and their families, reaching over 2 million people….

Binge-Free 603: What’s Your Reason?

Binge-Free 603: What's Your Reason? is a public health prevention campaign targeting NH young adults, aged 21-25, in the country-local peer crowd, identified as most likely to engage in the misuse of alcohol. The campaign addresses binge drinking behaviors. JSI used a social norming, social marketing approach as the strategic planning framework for developing the…

The Global Fund – Measuring Products Availability at Health Facility Level Tanzania

JSI has been awarded a short term project from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. The objective of this assignment is to conduct a baseline survey to measure availability of medicines and diagnostic services using standard WHO (SARA) approach, in collaboration with national stakeholders. JSI will propose a statistically relevant health facility…

Feed the Future Kawolor – Cultivating Nutrition in Senegal

Feed the Future Cultivating Nutrition (locally known as Kawolor) is an activity funded by USAID/Senegal as part of its contribution to the Senegalese Government’s strategy in the fight malnutrition, food insecurity and poverty. Kawolor is inspired by lessons learned from two previous USAID activities—USAID Yaajeende and USAID SPRING.  Kawolor aims to curb malnutrition by empowering organizations and…

Pakistan Integrated Health Systems Strengthening and Service Delivery (USAID)

JSI’s Integrated Health Systems Strengthening and Service Delivery (IHSS-SD) Activity works to improve access to basic health services along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan, and works across the country to increase the surveillance and control of domestic and cross-border disease transmission and contribute to the Global Health Security Agenda. Along the border with Afghanistan, the activity…

Strengthening Egypt’s Family Planning Program (USAID)

Egypt’s population rose from 72 million in 2006 to 100 million in 2020. This growth is primarily due to an increasing birth rate, from an average of 3.0 births per woman in 2008 to 3.5 in 2013. If this trend continues, Egypt’s population is expected to reach 128 million by 2030. The government of Egypt…

New York State Family Planning Training Center

In collaboration with the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), the New York State Family Planning Training Center supports Family Planning Program providers to deliver quality reproductive health services. In support of this goal, the Training Center delivers free training and technical assistance (TTA) to New York State Family Planning Program providers, including: Virtual…

Contraceptive Injectable Training Advocacy in Benin

As injectable contraceptives – in particular Sayana Press – were being introduced in Benin, JSI was asked to develop a training curriculum on these types of contraceptives at the community level. With the buy-in of Benin's Ministries of Health and Higher Education, JSI introduced training modules into the curriculum at l'École Nationale de Formation Médico-Sociale…

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