Feed the Future Kawolor – Cultivating Nutrition in Senegal






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Feed the Future Cultivating Nutrition (locally known as Kawolor) is an activity funded by USAID/Senegal as part of its contribution to the Senegalese Government’s strategy in the fight malnutrition, food insecurity and poverty. Kawolor is inspired by lessons learned from two previous USAID activities—USAID Yaajeende and USAID SPRING. 

Kawolor aims to curb malnutrition by empowering organizations and regional resource partners to scale up the Nutrition Led Agriculture (NLA) approach and utilize market opportunities for sustainability. The overall activity objective is to increase within beneficiary communities the production, consumption and commercialization of healthy and nutritious foods while encouraging household level consumption of diverse diets, focused primarily on women of reproductive age and children under two years of age.

Kawalor builds on the foundation of Yaajeende, which demonstrated a significant reduction in child stunting (30%) and reduced poverty by 7% in 800 villages, lifting approximately 56,000 people above the poverty line, despite four years of recurrent crises. These important achievements in health and nutrition are being consolidated, replicated, and scaled throughout the zone of influence (ZOI) in Senegal through this project.

Feed the Future Kawolor is a five year USAID-funded projected implemented by National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA)-CLUSA, the prime, with technical assistance from JSI and other partners.

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