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HPV Vaccine Acceleration Program Partners Initiative (HAPPI) Consortium

The HPV Vaccine Acceleration Program Partners Initiative (HAPPI) Consortium, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is a visionary project designed to accelerate HPV vaccination in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We harness collective expertise in policy, access, introduction, implementation, evaluation, and learning. Our overarching aim is to promote equity, program quality, and the…

Quality Healthcare Activity

The USAID Quality Healthcare Activity (QHA), launched in 2023, aims to realize Ethiopia’s health equity goals and to improve health outcomes of women and children country-wide, over these next five years. Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health called for a strengthened foundation and coordination of the health system to enable better coordination of services and greater continuity…

Merck HPV Immunization Delivery 2021

This one-year project, implemented by JSI Research and Training, Inc. (JSI) and funded by Merck Sharpe, and Dohme, is focused on defining and producing guidance on the key elements of HPV delivery systems that are critical to fully vaccinating girls against HPV. Our approach employs the following strategies: Conduct an evidence-based analysis to delineate the…

MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience

MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience is a global project designed to strengthen quality maternal, newborn, and child health, voluntary family planning, and reproductive health (MNCH/FP/RH) care and service delivery in fragile settings. While considerable progress has been made in reducing maternal and child mortality globally, achievements have been uneven and much of the remaining preventable maternal and…


The HCDExchange advances locally led, human-centered design and public health (HCD+Public Health) in Africa and Asia. We do this by increasing access to and use of HCD resources, knowledge, and expertise in public health programming and promoting design localization. Established in 2020, the HCDExchange has been working to define, strengthen, and build a robust, efficient,…

Technical Assistance to UPAVAN – Upscaling Participation and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition

The Technical Assistance to UPAVAN – Upscaling Participation and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition project is providing technical assistance to a randomized control trial (RCT) which will generate learning and evidence for the use of community media to promote nutrition-sensitive and nutrition-specific behaviors in Odisha, India. The RCT is evaluating whether community video with nutrition-sensitive agriculture…

DREAMS Innovation Challenge Funds Manager

The DREAMS Innovation Challenge (DREAMS-IC) worked to reduce the incidence of HIV infections in adolescent girls and young women living in 10 sub-Saharan African countries through the implementation of innovation solutions, contributing to the overall PEPFAR target of a 40% reduction in new HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women in target countries by…

Knowledge Management Services (KMS II)

Knowledge Management Services supports USAID to increase its capacity to manage and evaluate its programs and to demonstrate and document the importance and impact of its global health portfolio. JSI is the primary subcontractor, with Insight Systems as prime contractor, on this project that supports USAID’s Global Health Bureau with a wide range of knowledge…

Senegal Live, Learn, and Play (USAID)

Live, Learn & Play: Sustainable, Scalable Basketball for Youth Development (LLP) was a public-private partnership between USAID and the National Basketball Association that trained young people between the ages of 13 and 18 in leadership, gender awareness, and equality, as well as community participation through basketball. JSI implemented LLP in Senegal, engaging 1,595 youth and…

Zimbabwe Vana Bantwana (USAID)

Vana Bantwana supported the Government of Zimbabwe’s efforts to improve the lives of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and those affected by HIV and AIDS. To ensure that communities continue effective programming beyond the life of the program, JSI built the capacity of a cadre of national and community-based civil society organizations to implement and…

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