Person-Centered Care

Ensuring whole person health and well-being through the delivery of person-centered care

What is Person-Centered Care?

Person-centered care does the following three things:

  1. Acknowledges people’s essential human dignity
  2. Treats people as individuals
  3. Seeks to understand what people value most about their treatment and care

At JSI, we put people at the center of health programs at all levels—individual, community, health facility, system, policy—because we know that each part of the health ecosystem contributes to person-centered care. We use behavioral science to understand people’s motivations and preferences and to learn what system and service delivery changes are needed to transform people’s experiences and improve health outcomes.

Person-centered systems and services provide many benefits:

  • Improved access to care
  • Increased health literacy
  • Higher rates of client satisfaction
  • Improved job satisfaction among the health workforce
  • More efficient and cost-effective services
  • Improved health outcomes
A doctor helping her patient

Resource Spotlights

Integrated Person-Centered Health Services: Translating Learnings from the HIV Response to Pave the Way to Universal Health Coverage
REPORT: Integrated Person-Centered Health Services: Translating Learnings from the HIV Response to Pave the Way to Universal Health Coverage

This report, co-published by Friends of the Global Fight, PATH, and JSI, identifies key lessons learned from the HIV response, offers future recommendations to help chart a way forward toward broader implementation of IPCC, and concludes with an action plan highlighting critical next steps that need to be taken to scale IPCC.

TOOL: Framework for Person-Centered Care in HIV Treatment Facilities
TOOL: Framework for Person-Centered Care in HIV Treatment Facilities

Based on a JSI-led systematic review of person-centered care, as well as further input from HIV program practitioners, JSI developed a distinctive HIV person-centered care treatment facility framework to help implementers and service providers find practical solutions and identify next steps to offer increasingly person-centered services.

TOOL: JSI Person-Centered Care Assessment Tool
TOOL: JSI Person-Centered Care Assessment Tool

JSI designed this tool for HIV implementers and service providers to collaboratively assess the health facility's ability to provide person-centered HIV treatment, demonstrate areas of strength for organizational learning, and tailor investments in further interventions or improvements.

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Areas of Expertise

Our Framework

Our Person-Centered Care Framework uses a human-rights-based approach that focuses on the rights holder (person) and the obligations of duty bearers (e.g., providers, policymakers, caregivers). The five principles that surround the rights holder (at the center) establish a common vision for person-centered care. The principles can be operationalized and assessed at each socio-ecological level (i.e., policy and environment, health system, facility, community, and individual and family) through interventions within six domains, as labeled on the outside of the framework.

Measures of Person-Centered Care

Measurement is an essential tool for continuous quality improvement and accountability. That is why JSI developed a tool for HIV service providers to collaboratively measure person-centered care (PCC) at facilities providing HIV treatment, assess the facility’s ability to provide person-centered HIV treatment, demonstrate areas of strength for organizational learning, and tailor investments in further interventions or improvements.

Experience of Care

Experience of care encompasses all of the interactions patients and their families have throughout their health care journey. Studies show that quality of care and patient experiences will deeply impact health care utilization, outcomes, and behaviors. Improving experience of care relies on patient- or family-centered care, which respects and responds to individual preferences, needs, and values— placing the patient and family at the heart of decision-making.

Our Person-Centered Care in Action

In Ghana, JSI brings HIV treatment services closer to people by caring for them at multiple points of care (in facilities, communities, and homes based on each person’s needs and preferences). Our innovative approaches support adherence, overcome access challenges and build trust through providing home-based ART refills, and offering community- and facility-based services, or any combination in between.

Immunization service experience plays an important role in ensuring that immunization programs are valued by and accessible to everyone. JSI designed an Immunization Service Experience (SE) Toolkit to introduce the concept of SE at country level for immunization staff and implementing partners. The five toolkit products are meant to spark discussion around how country immunization programs may address and improve the delivery and experience of immunization.

Through the Reproductive Health National Training Center (RHNTC), JSI trains and supports agencies that provide sexual and reproductive health services across the United States. The RHNTC provides online and in-person training on a broad range of topics to advance person-centered care. Examples of topics include improving patient experience, cultural humility and implicit bias, addressing weight stigma and bias, trauma-informed care, and providing affirming care to LGBTQ+ clients.

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