JSI Launches Integrated Health Project in Northern Uganda

August 15th, 2018 | news


JSI, along with USAID and the Government of Uganda (GOU), recently joined members of the Lango community and local institutions to celebrate the launch of the USAID Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services-North, Lango (RHITES-N, Lango) activity in Lira district. RHITES-N, Lango is a $32.8 million, five-year project that will work closely with the GOU to increase the use of integrated health services in the nine districts of the Lango sub-region of Northern Uganda.

RHITES-N, Lango will help the Ugandan government conduct a sustainable and locally driven response to the HIV epidemic, while  improving health outcomes in tuberculosis; malaria; nutrition; maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health; family planning; and water, sanitation, and hygiene. JSI will implement the project in partnership with Amref Health Africa, CUAMM, Another Option and The Medical Conceirge Group. RHITES-N, Lango will promote the adoption of healthy behaviors by raising awareness at the individual, provider, and community levels; reducing delays in seeking care; and lowering sociocultural barriers to service uptake.

The project launch was attended by over 200 people, including USAID Uganda’s Mission Director Joakim Parker, and the Ministry of Health’s Commissioner for the National Disease Control Department Dr. Patrick Tusiime. Other attendees included local government representatives, district health officers, other USAID implementing partners, and members of parliament.


The launch concluded with a community visit to Adekokwok sub-county in Lira district, where a delegation including Mr. Parker and Dr. Tusiime met with beneficiaries of the DREAMS initiative. The adolescent girls and young women shared their backgrounds and how they have benefited from DREAMS-funded programs. Through JSI’s technical support to implementing partners, these girls and young women will continue to receive training and skills building opportunities that focus on self-awareness, parenting, economic empowerment through income-generating activities, and village savings associations.

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