JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Makassar Workshop Report: Musrenbang Prioritization Training


In Makassar, Indonesia, Building Healthy Cities (BHC) works with City Planning and Development (Bappeda), Kominfo, and other key stakeholders to support the city’s vision and long-term goal to become a world-class city that is healthy and livable for all. Bappeda uses citizen-powered (or “bottom-up”) processes in planning to inform the traditional “top-down” directives, indicators, and outcome goals. This process is called musrenbang, an annual forum in which citizens articulate their needs to the local government in hopes of directing funding to their neighborhoods. Bappeda must then sort and prioritize those needs and determine what programs will be funded. Bappeda requested that BHC facilitate trainings on using a systems approach to prioritize high impact programs suggested through musrenbang, to support efforts to increase the efficiency of multisector urban spending. This report details the workshop organized by BHC and Bappeda on March 3-5, 2020.

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