JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Gender-based Violence Initiative Synthesis Report


The Gender-based Violence Initiative (GBVI) was the culmination of several years of work on the part of PEPFAR, in particular the PEPFAR Gender Technical Working Group. PEPFAR recognized the links between gender and HIV starting with the original 2003 legislation. As part of the second phase of PEPFAR, under the leadership of Secretary Clinton and then PEPFAR Coordinator, Ambassador Eric Goosby, PEPFAR increased its commitment to addressing gender issues. It was the commitment of that leadership combined with a strong GTWG that led to the development and implementation of the $55 million GBVI.

This report synthesizes the findings and lessons learned from the three country reviews and analysis of the PEPFAR indicator data collected over the three years. JSI/AIDSFree. 2016.

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