JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Ethiopia’s Primary Health Care Reform: Practice, Lessons, and Recommendations


Currently, more than 17 million people in Ethiopia (nearly 19 percent of the total population) live in urban areas. Urban populations face a triple threat: infectious diseases like HIV, TB, pneumonia, and diarrhea; noncommunicable diseases like asthma, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes; and violence and injuries, including traffic collisions. Due to such multifaceted challenges a new approach to mitigate the complicated health problems of urban dwellers is needed.

JSI's Strengthening Ethiopia's Urban Health Extension Program (SEUHP) supported the Federal Ministry of Health to pilot a primary health care reform model in health facilities in Addis Ababa. Based on this experience, this technical brief shares a number of lessons learned and recommendations for the continued work to improve primary health care services for urban populations in Ethiopia. JSI, SEUHP. 2018.

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