JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Baseline Ebola Survivor Assessment


This document assesses the Ebola Transmission Prevention and Survivor Services (ETP&SS) in Liberia. The program is being implemented in the four counties in Liberia with the highest concentration of Ebola survivors; Montserrado, Lofa, Bong and Margibi. The intended beneficiary population of the ETP&SS program in Liberia is EVD survivors, who will be represented by their coordinating organizations, the National Ebola Survivor Network (Network) and the newly established National Ebola Survivor Secretariat (Secretariat). The program is conducting capacity building activities with selected facilities in the four target counties to improve the quality of general and specialty services for survivors. In addition to this, the program is providing training and mentoring in stigma reduction and survivor care protocols for health professionals within these counties.

The assessment is focused on understanding survivors’ experiences when interacting with the Liberian health care system and their knowledge and perceptions of survivor representative bodies. The four focus questions in the assessment are as follows: a) What are survivors’ perceptions of health facility services and structures? b) What barriers do survivors face in their access to health services? Is stigma from health care providers one of the barriers to seeking and receiving health care? c) How aware are survivors of their representative bodies (the Secretariat and the Network)? What is their level of trust and confidence in these bodies to represent the interests of survivors? d) How often are sexual health precautions being taken?

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