JSI RESOURCES: Publications

AIDSFree Uganda End of Project Summary


This End of Project Summary presents The Strengthening High Impact Interventions for an AIDS-free Generation (AIDSFree) Project’s programmatic achievements in Uganda from September 1, 2015, to October 31, 2019. AIDSFree facilitated a partnership between the Uganda Ministry of Health, district local governments, and GLSL, to advance Uganda’s health care waste management (HCWM) activities, including the key components of infection prevention and control at health facilities.

AIDSFree’s technical support has helped establish a safe, sustainable, policy-compliant solution for health care waste in southwestern region of Uganda. 

These programs continued to advance progress toward the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS’s 95-95-95 global goals. JSI/AIDSFree. 2020. 

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