USAID Cure Tuberculosis Project



USAID/Central Asian Republics



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The USAID Cure Tuberculosis project was a five-year initiative (2019-2024) that assisted the Kyrgyz Republic to diagnose, treat, and cure people with tuberculosis (TB), with a special focus on drug-resistant tuberculosis. The project worked to strengthen systems, tools, resources, and human capacity to improve the response to TB in line with international recommendations. JSI's partnership with the Kyrgyz Republic led to an increase in treatment success rate for drug-resistant TB from 58% in 2019 to 74% in 2023.

The Cure TB project's efforts increased the quality and accessibiity of TB services. The project also helped reduce TB stigma and discrimination among health care providers and the general public. It raised TB awareness by disseminating infomration and engaging community leaders, civil society organizations, youth, journalists, and the media to change behaviors and attitudes. In the fourth year of the project, its various campaigns reached 3.9 million people. 

The project restructured laboratory systems, expanded a sputum transportation system, and introduced digital technologies, which resulted in more accurate and timeley diagnoses. For example, 95% of sputum samples were delivered to laboratories within the 72-hour standard. Cure TB introduced whole genome sequencing, innovative pediatric stool tests, and extensive drug resistant TB testing at the oblast level, which strengthened the national program's capacity to diagnose TB. 

JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., implemented the Cure Tuberculosis project  in partnership with University Research Co., LLC and U.S. Pharmacopeia and in close collaboration with the Kyrgyz Republic’s National Tuberculosis Program under the Ministry of Health, and national partners, National Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan, TB People, and Association of Village Health Committees.



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