Global Health: Science and Practice’s Special Issue on Design in Global Health

December 16th, 2021 | viewpoint


As the use of human-centered design (HCD) in global health grows, so do our questions on its application across a landscape of endless opportunities. How do we use it? What does it look like? How do we know it’s working? Are we adding value? These are a stream of fundamental questions we seek to assess, answer, and measure.

Examining these lines of inquiry over the past few years, JSI Center for Health Information Monitoring and Evaluation (CHIME)’s Anne LaFond and Dyness Kasungami-Matoba have co-authored three articles included in DesignforHealth’s Global Health: Science and Practice special edition on design in global health. A first-of-its-kind edition, the supplement examines defining design in the global health space, investigating how to use design as a complementary methodology, what different “doses” of design look like in practice, evidence on the impact of design, and more. We’re excited that this special issue offers readers both practical experience and critical analysis and will contribute to a nascent but growing body of evidence in this area of global health programming.

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