Support the piloting of a methodology to assess diets, markets, and the cost of an adequate to inform LSFF in Nigeria (USAID-AN-071)


Support the Piloting of a Methodology to assess diets, markets, and cost of an adequate diet to inform Large-Scale Food Fortification (LSFF) in Nigeria

USAID Advancing Nutrition is seeking a consultant to support the process of piloting a methodology to assess diets and markets and model fortification scenarios and the cost of an adequate diet to inform LSFF programming in Nigeria. This consultant will be expected to:

  • Provide feedback on the protocol for the pilot, which was developed by USAID Advancing Nutrition, given her/his knowledge of the local context, and support submission of the protocol for local ethics committee review.
  • Obtain published and gray literature to support a desk review for the pilot (the desk review will be written by USAID Advancing Nutrition).
  • Conduct interviews with key informants to inform the desk review and pilot process.
  • Identify a small group of experts/key stakeholders on LSFF in Nigeria who will be consulted during the piloting process and lead and facilitate communication, coordination, and meetings with the group of experts, with the support of USAID Advancing Nutrition.

Further details, including consultant qualifications, are provided in the attached Scope of Work. The work is estimated to be approximately equivalent to 40 days between the date of hire and May 31, 2023.

Interested candidates can submit their application, including a cover letter and CV to Noni Alexander, Food Systems Officer at and include the title of the consultancy in the subject line of the email.  Interested applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, as applications will be considered on a rolling basis and will be accepted until the position is filled.

SOW_JSI_AN_LSFF_Local Consultant Nigeria.pdf

Date Issued: September 26, 2022 12:00 am
Due Date: October 13, 2022 11:59 am EASTERN STANDARD TIME (EST)

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