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Found 1885 results

With USAID support, health and community leaders make a difference in the lives of people with tuberculosis

The high prevalence of drug-resistant TB in Kyrgyzstan has significant social and economic consequences, especially in small communities where stigma and discrimination of people who have TB are prevalent. Many people eschew treatment because they do not recognize TB symptoms, lack confidence in treatment, or avoid discussing it with other people and health care providers….

Forging Local Networks to Distribute Life-saving Health Supplies in Ukraine

During Russia’s war against Ukraine, local organization 100% LIFE identified alternate distribution networks to deliver life-saving HIV treatments to all areas, including war zones.

Inventory Management for Health Supplies in Humanitarian Settings

By adjusting safety stock and redistributing health supplies, the International Medical Corps reduced inventory imbalances in the Lebanese National Primary Healthcare Network.

Minimizing the Environmental Consequences of Humanitarian Supply Chains

In recent years, there has been increased focus on sustainability in humanitarian supply chains. To minimize waste, EMERGENCY is transitioning from plastic bags to reusable plastic boxes to transport pharmaceutical products.

Putting Patients First: Central Asia’s First Accredited TB Laboratory in Kyrgyzstan

The Kyrgyz National Reference Laboratory (NRL) became the first internationally certified TB laboratory in Central Asia. This elevates its credibility and guarantees more accurate and timely test results for patients.

Bangladesh Zero-Dose Landscape

The purpose of this landscape is to provide the Gavi CLH and stakeholders in Bangladesh with a comprehensive overview of the immunization landscape within the country, with a special focus on ZD and under-immunized children. Given the highly variable and contextual nature of the drivers, barriers, and programmatic approaches to reach ZD and under-immunized children,…

Introduction of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine (TCV) in Nepal

Nepal is one of the highest burden countries for typhoid with an incidence rate of more than 100 cases per 100,000 population. Communities affected by typhoid fever in Nepal share many of the same correlates as zero-dose (ZD) and under-immunized children and communities missed for vaccination. The introduction of the typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV) in…

Mali Zero-Dose Landscape

The purpose of this landscape is to provide the Gavi CLH and stakeholders in Mali with a comprehensive overview of the immunization landscape within the country, with a special focus on ZD and under-immunized children. Operationally, Gavi defines a ZD child as one who has not received a single dose of a diphtheria, tetanus, and…

TIFA Accelerator Series | Integrating and Sustaining Pediatric TB Care in India

The USAID-funded Tuberculosis Implementation Framework Agreement Project (TIFA) supports the National TB Elimination Program (NTEP) to increase presumptive pediatric TB case identification and sample collection among children 0–14 years. TIFA funded the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) and Solidarity and Action Against the HIV Infection in India (SAATHII) to do this work in nine…

Khulna Co-creation Workshop Report: Context Workshop

In Khulna, Bangladesh, the USAID-funded Asia Resilient Cities (ARC) Project works with the Khulna City Corporation to support the city’s resilience goals ARC uses systems thinking approaches to understand the various complex challenges and opportunities in Khulna. The project engages a diverse group of city stakeholders and government officials to become systems thinkers in order…

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