JSI RESOURCES: Journal article

Transforming primary health care unit service delivery through leadership, management and governance (LMG) training: A field action report from Ethiopia

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In order to achieve global and national health targets in Ethiopia, it is crucial that cadres of leaders have the skills, knowledge and tools to manage and govern the primary health care reform initiative currently underway. To support this, John Snow, Inc. (Strengthening Ethiopia’s Urban Health Program (JSI/SEUHP),the implementing partner, collaborated with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), regional health bureaus (RHBs), and town and sub-city health offices to provide leadership, management and governance (LMG) training between November 2016 and August 2017. The training of trainers (ToT) was undertaken by professionals from the FMOH, RHB and universities, who cascaded it to health care workers in 12 health centers (HCs), one sub-city health office and one town health office, in phases, followed by workplace implementation. This field action report documents the results and lessons learned from the implementation of this LMG training. 

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