JSI RESOURCES: Publications

TB Implementation Framework Agreement (TIFA) in Uzbekistan


As part of the Global TB Accelerator to End TB, JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., with partner Open Development, implements the USAID-funded Tuberculosis Implementation Framework Agreement (TIFA) project with National TB Programs. TIFA aims to increase commitment from and strengthen the capacity of governments, civil society, and the private sector to accelerate countries’ progress in reaching global and national TB targets. To help achieve their objectives, TIFA works with country partners to develop fixed-amount awards – known as TB commitment grants – contracts, or other awards to support priority activities. Through TB commitment grants, the Republican Specialized Scientific Research Medical Center of Phthisiology and Pulmonology (NTP) is implementing a range of activities aimed at accelerating progress to end TB in Uzbekistan. This one-pager describes grants and other TIFA funding in Uzbekistan.

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