JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Strengthening Health Information Systems in Mali


MEASURE Evaluation has supported Mali’s Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene (MOH)—especially the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) and the National Directorate of Health (DNS)—in the unification of Mali’s health information system (HIS).

The goal of this unification is for the HIS to yield better-quality data for effective health system planning and timely response to disease outbreak.

Mali’s HIS comprises a system for local (site-based) health information, the hospital information system, and the epidemiological surveillance system. These systems are managed by different governing bodies and were previously housed on a variety of platforms that were not able to communicate or share data. Essentially, they were parallel information systems. These multiple reporting systems and duplicative indicators have resulted in a heavy burden of data collection for healthcare providers.

MEASURE Evaluation’s work to support the MOH has strengthened both the “enabling environment” and “information generation” areas of the HIS identified in MEASURE Evaluation’s Health Information System Strengthening Model (HISSM). This document highlights the Health Information System Strengthening Model as well as how reporting is being harmonized and data quality improved in Mali. JSI/MEASURE Evaluation. 2017.


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