JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Review of Programmatic Responses to Adolescent and Women’s Nutritional Needs in Low and Middle Income Countries


This paper is one of two discussion papers commissioned to identify key issues and practices regarding the scientific evidence, and to summarize recent and current programmatic experiences; this paper serves as the second of these papers. The goal of this paper is to review the approaches used, practices promoted, and lessons learned by projects and programs that set out to improve the nutrition of adolescent girls and WRA in low- and middle-income countries. Specifically, it sets out to 1) provide information on global programmatic experiences to improve the nutrition of WRA and 2) summarize inputs, outcomes, and lessons learned from implementers who have or are currently carrying out nutrition programs for WRA. JSI/ Malia Duffy, Sascha Lamstein, Chessa Lutter, and Peggy Koniz-Booher, SPRING Nutrition. 2015.

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