JSI RESOURCES: Journal article

PrEP Awareness in the Context of HIV/AIDS Conspiracy Beliefs Among Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino MSM in Three Urban US Cities

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HIV conspiracy beliefs and PrEP awareness were examined in a convenience sample of minority MSM. Participants in three cities completed a behavioral self-assessment on sociodemographics, PrEP awareness, and HIV/AIDS conspiracy beliefs. HIV/AIDS conspiracy beliefs were more common among Black than Latino MSM, and among younger men than older men. PrEP awareness co-occurred with conspiracy belief less than with non-belief, persisting in multivariable regression. This relationship suggests that current HIV care and prevention messaging is either inaccessible or not credible to some minority subpopulations.

Authors: E Olansky, G Mansergh, N Pitts, MJ Mimiaga, DJ Denson, S Landers, J Holman, JH Herbst

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