JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Learners Take Action to Reduce the Risk of Asthma–Lesson 3: What Can You Do About Asthma? Taking Action


The Learners Take Action: Reducing Asthma Disparities through Adult Basic Education project developed and disseminated lessons on asthma and healthy homes designed for ABE classes across six New England states. The lessons increased environmental health literacy among adults with limited English proficiency that are enrolled in ABE or English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes whose families are at high risk of asthma.

Students were provided with tools and strategies to identify and take action to reduce asthma trigger factors that particularly affect the health of children. Three lessons were designed on asthma and healthy homes. Results show that environmental health disparities can be reduced through adult basic education techniques.

Objectives for Lesson 3:
After completing the lesson the students will be able to:
-Describe actions that a person can take to reduce exposure to asthma triggers
-Explain the importance of an Asthma Action Plan
-Demonstrate how to access and use the Air Quality Index

JSI, 2015

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