JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Key Findings from the Implementation of the Reaching Every District Using Quality Improvement (RED-QI) Approach in Ethiopia and Uganda: An Approach Designed to Improve Immunization Program Effectiveness and Reach


By 2004, the Reaching Every District (RED) strategy became the approach used by most African countries to improve their routine immunization systems. However, many districts and health facilities faced challenges with implementation of of RED, finding the strategy difficult to fully operationalize. To address these challenges, JSI applied concepts and tools from the field of quality improvement to develop and implement an innovative approach, known as Reaching Every District using Quality Improvement (RED-QI). 

This brief is part of a series documenting JSI's lessons learned from implementing the RED-QI approach in Ethiopia and Uganda. This brief provides an overview of the development of RED-QI; implementation of the approach in Ethiopia and Uganda; and key findings from an analysis of RED-QI implementation in the two countries.

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