JSI RESOURCES: Journal article

Implementation of quality improvement for community-based health services: what worked, what didn’t, and why? A case study in Ethiopia

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Recently, there has been a growing interest in quality improvement (QI) interventions to enhance the health care services provision. However, applying QI interventions to community-based health services (CBHS) is still a limited practice. Strengthening Ethiopia’s Urban Health Program (SEUHP), implemented by John Snow, Inc., used QI principles to address certain challenges in the implementation of the urban health extension program (UHEP). QI activities aimed to improve referral systems between the UHEP and health centers (HCs), strengthen the defaulter tracing system, and enhance linkages and integration between facility-based primary health services and community-based extension services. This case study reviews the implementation and documents lessons learned from the SEUHP QI intervention. 

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