JSI RESOURCES: Journal article

If fear of infertility restricts contraception use, what do we know about this fear? An examination in rural Ethiopia


Qualitative research in sub-Saharan Africa has shown that women’s belief that contraception use causes infertility is a barrier to contraception use. In this paper, the authors examine different factors related to this belief and suggest strategies to address this misperception. The study found that women who believed that infertility would result in abandonment from one’s husband had three times higher odds of believing that contraception causes infertility. It was also found that some factors associated with a decreased odds of holding this belief included self-efficacy to use contraception, visiting a health center and speaking to a provider about family planning, and husband support of family contraception. A home visit from a health extension worker who discussed family planning was not associated with holding this belief. 

Authors:  Erica Sedlander, Hagere Yilma, Dessalew Emaway, and Rajiv N. Rimal

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