JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Family Planning Supply Chain Impact Evaluation in Indonesia: An impact evaluation of supply chain strengthening interventions implemented in 11 districts


The “My Choice” project’s vision is to contribute to the Government of Indonesia’s family planning (FP) goal to increase the nation’s modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR) to 61.3% by 2020. JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., is contributing to the supply chain management component with an aim to increase contraceptive availability of BKKBN-supplied methods at BKKBN-registered service delivery and resupply points (SDPs) in the targeted four My Choice project provinces and 11 project districts.

The goal of the supply chain component is to improve contraceptive availability and reduce stock out rates at SDPs and provincial and district warehouses. The baseline assessment observed that only 55% of all SDPs had all methods available in stock. The project aimed to achieve a 15% percentage point improvement in availability to 70%. Improved supply chain performance will ensure improved access to a full range of contraceptive methods and contribute to the larger outcome of the My Choice project to increase CPR by 5% in the project districts.

My Choice has introduced a systems approach with an aim to strengthen the supply chain workforce at each level, empowering them with new tools, skills and information that will enable holistic and continuous supply chain improvement. The My Choice team collaborated with stakeholders to design a comprehensive package of data-centric supply chain interventions that address critical gaps in the system. The project focuses on four focus areas described in the next section and are guided by three core themes – strengthening organizational capacity, fostering collaboration and accountability, and inculcating a culture of data use for continuous supply chain improvement.

This endline assessment explored whether the MyChoice project interventions were able to address these bottlenecks to inform recommendations on what could be scaled up to other districts and provinces. JSI/My Choice Project. 2018.

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