Liesl Lu

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Senior Consultant, U.S.

Elizabeth Lu, known as Liesl, has more than 16 years of experience leading the communication and training and technical assistance efforts for state and federal HIV, immunization, and tobacco control projects in the U.S. As project director of the Access, Care and Engagement TA Center, Liesl oversees strategies to build provider capacity to engage, enroll, and retain people who have HIV in health coverage. Liesl has led projects to develop social marketing and social media strategies to improve health outcomes and promote prevention methods, including the What Works in Youth HIV project through the Office of Adolescent Health, and county-level projects in California to promote HIV testing and tobacco cessation. She also helped develop videos about population health for the Cambridge Health Alliance, and health information technology research for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Liesl has an MS in social behavioral health and health communication from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health .

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Working Together to End the HIV Epidemic: #NRWC2022

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