JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Madagascar Technical Brief – Family Planning and Community Health Volunteers: Reducing Early and Unwanted Pregnancies at the Community Level


The government of Madagascar (GOM) has adopted FP as an important strategy to reduce maternal mortality and improve adolescent and youth health. The National Reproductive Health and Family Planning Law (2018) and the National Strategic Plan for Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health (2017) address reproductive choice and the negative consequences of early childbearing, as do Madagascar’s Sustainable Development Goal targets under Goals 3 and 5. The USAID Community Capacity for Health's support to the country’s FP efforts involved both demand and supply side interventions to improve access to and uptake of reproductive health and FP services, including a strong adolescent and youth focus to prevent early or unwanted pregnancies and to engage boys and young men in health activities. 

Through its mutually reinforcing community interventions, the USAID Community Capacity for Health aimed to contribute to the GOM’s Family Planning 2020 goals, which included (1) increasing the contraceptive prevalence rate from 33 percent in 2013 to 50 percent in 2020; and (2) reducing the rate of unmet need for FP from 18 percent in 2013 to 9 percent in 2020.

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