JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Integration of cervical cancer with HIV services improves the uptake of cervical cancer screening amongst HIV positive clients: Lessons learned from Zambia


With funding from USAID, John Snow, Inc. (JSI) implements the USAID Securing an AIDS-Free Era (SAFE)project to provide support to the Ministry of Health to scale-up cervical cancer services with a specific focus on WLWHin three provinces. USAID SAFE operates in 43 facilities providing free cervical cancer services. Screening is conducted through Visual Inspection using Acetic acid (VIA) and immediate treatment using cryotherapy, thermal coagulation or referral for Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure for further evaluation. USAID SAFE trained 94 providers in cervical cancer screening using VIA, procured supplies to provide cervical cancer services, and provided supportive supervision for standalone and then integrated cervical cancer services within HIV services. This poster was presented at the AIDS 2020 Virtual Conference. 

Authors: W. Kanjipite, D. Dixon, C. Madevu-Matson, M. Osborne-Smith, 2020

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