JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Timor-Leste Health Improvement Project (HIP) Technical Brief: Applying Research on the Three Delays to Reduce Preventable Maternal Death in Timor-Leste


The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) supports the Health Improvement Project, known locally as HADIAK, as part of the overall United States Government package of assistance to Timor-Leste. HADIAK is a technical assistance project supporting the Ministry of Health (MOH) in the areas of maternal, neonatal and child health (MNCH) and family planning (FP) programming. Implementation focuses on the municipalities of Ermera, Manatuto, and Oecusse. The project collaborated with the MOH and the National Institute for Health (INS) to design a mixed methods study to examine birth preparedness and complication readiness factors contributing to the three delays within Timor-Leste .This technical brief details the approaches and results of the study. JSI, 2015.

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