JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Community Health: MAHEFA’s comprehensive WASH approach for ensuring good health practices


Potable water and other water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) objectives are among the most intractable challenges facing low- and middle-income countries. With 21 percent of the world’s population lacking access to safe drinking water, and 36 percent not having use of a toilet, water supply and sanitation coverage pose serious problems.

Poor access to safe water and sanitation services in Madagascar has made it nearly impossible for the country to reach its health goals. MAHEFA’s overall goal was to conduct health promotion activities and ensure delivery of basic health services at the community level through community health volunteers (CHVs) and other health actors. Water, sanitation and hygiene activities were implemented to ensure that community members have access to clean drinking water and practice good sanitation and hygiene.

This technical brief highlights MAHEFA's activities, approach, and results. JSI / USAID | CBIHP, 2016.

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