JSI RESOURCES: Publications

USAID Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) Integration Activity in Madagascar Final Report


The USAID-funded “Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) Integration Activity in Madagascar (October 1, 2017 to July 30, 2019) had the objective of studying, documenting, and promoting the effective integration of PHE activities with the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Socila Protection, Ministry of Public Health and PHE stakeholders in  Madagascar. In order to ensure government leadership, the Activity worked in close collaboration with the GTSE and the members of the PHE Network, an organization of non-governmental organizations coordinated in Madagascar by Blue Ventures.

The assumption that an integrated approach that combines population, health, and environmental interventions including livelihoods will result in greater combined impact than vertical programs underpins the PHE approach, also referred to as the “value added” of the PHE approach. At the operational level, the Activity’s objective was to develop and implement a PHE action research agenda to assess the value of integrated health, environment, WASH, food security, and nutrition
interventions by replicating successful PHE approaches in new communities.

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