JSI RESOURCES: Publications

USAID Deliver Project | Malaria Task Order 7 Completion Report February 2017


This report describes the activities and achievements of the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, Task Order 7, which ran from March 2011 to February 2017. The project worked to improve the lives of men, women, and families by strengthening the supply chains that deliver health commodities, developing sustainable national capacity and ownership for operating the supply chain, and cultivating enabling environments for malaria products.

Through Malaria Task Order 7, JSI had three main objectives:
1. Improve, implement, and expand USAID’s provision of antimalarial commodities to country programs.
2. Strengthen in-country supply systems and their capacity for managing antimalarial commodities.
3. Improve global supply and the availability of antimalarial commodities.

JSI and the DELIVER Task Order 7 team worked in 29 countries over 10 years, procuring and delivering malaria products, providing technical assistance, and/or having long-term presence with field offices. The project procured commodities for 27 countries, had a long-term presence in 13 of the PMI-focus countries, and provided technical assistance in 26 countries.

This document highlights the projects work establishing PMI’s global supply chain for malaria products, including influencing commodity pricing; implementing rigorous monitoring to improve system performance; and establishing a stockpile to respond to emergency requests. The project also strengthened in-country supply systems and capacity for effective management of malaria commodities, created logistics management units and trained leaders to manage and sustain them; distributed LLINs in 18 countries, often at the community level; helped countries determine which supplies they needed and mobilized resources to procure them; and built sustainable human resource capacity through pre- and post-service training, among many other accomplishments. JSI / USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, 2017.

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