JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Treatment Uptake and Availability of Antimalarial Drugs for Intermittent Preventative Treatment in Pregnant Women in Malawi


Throughout Africa, 30 million pregnant women are exposed to malaria each year (WHO 2003). Malaria in pregnancy (MiP) carries increased risk of low birthweight, severe maternal anemia, maternal mortality, miscarriage, premature delivery, and stillbirth (Schantz-Dunn and Nour 2009; Murphy and Breman 2001). To address this challenge, the Roll Back Malaria Consortium advocates a three-pronged approach delivered through the antenatal care (ANC) model. This approach includes distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets and promotion of their correct and consistent usage; delivery of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP); and implementation of malaria case management to ensure prompt and effective diagnosis and treatment (Roll Back Malaria, n.d.).

Produced by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, this analysis explores the relationship between SP product availability and IPTp uptake among pregnant women in Malawi. JSI/USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, 2015

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