JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Toward Harmonization: Community Health Policy and Program Trends


In 2014, APC developed the Community Health Systems Catalog to address information gaps, advance the WHO’s vision, and help ensure the inclusion of community-based family planning within national agendas. In 2016¬2017, APC updated the catalog and expanded it to include additional health areas such as nutrition and maternal, newborn, and child health.

The Community Health Systems Catalog is a resource that provides information on community health programs, workers, and interventions for the 25 countries deemed priority by USAID’s Office of Population and Reproductive Health. It comprises a compilation of 25 country profiles developed from a desk review of community health policies, strategies, and related documentation.

This document summarizes country trends drawn from the catalog and highlights interesting and relevant findings about the global community health policy landscape. JSI/Advancing Partners & Communities. 2019.

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