JSI RESOURCES: Publications

The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index Results from SPRING/Bangladesh’s Farmer Nutrition Schools: A Quantitative Study


In Bangladesh, The SPRING project has been using a multichannel integrated approach to tackling malnutrition along the nation’s coastal belt using both nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions.

This publication presents the findings from a study that explored the research question: Are SPRING Farmer Nutrition School (FNS) participants more empowered than those women and families who have not participated in the program?

With the Essential Nutrition Actions and Essential Hygiene Actions (ENA/EHA) as the technical foundation of its work, SPRING/Bangladesh has developed a variety of interventions, grounded in existing evidence-based approaches, to tackle malnutrition, with a particular focus on the first 1,000 days.

SPRING targets pregnant and lactating women and their children as the primary audience, while also working with husbands and other family and community members. After several years of implementation, SPRING field staff noticed that women who had participated in SPRING’s program—particularly those who had participated in its FNS activity—seemed more confident, more in control of their family’s health and diet, and better linked to the government extension system.

The report highlights the results that showed that women who participate in SPRING’s Farmer Nutrition Schools are more empowered than women who did not participate in the FNS and that these findings are statistically significant. JSI/SPRING Project. 2017.

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