JSI RESOURCES: Publications

That’s how we roll! Using Human-Centered Design for PrEP rollout in Zambia


As Zambia edges toward HIV epidemic control, studies and national data showed poor HIV service uptake and higher HIV incidence rates among young people especially adolescent girls and young women 15-24 and men 20-34, with a  cycle of HIV transmission that needed to be broken in order to safeguard health, while supporting HIV epidemic control goals. PrEP was seen as a critical intervention in this regards.

DISCOVER-Health was among the first implementers to support PrEP scale-up in Zambia. At start-up, PrEP rollout took place in an information vacuum, with little community access to credible PrEP information for individual decision-making and/or collective action to create a supportive environment. Using a human-centred design process, DISCOVER supported the Ministry of Health to develop a national HIV prevention brand and campaign called: Zambia Ending AIDS, with a sub-campaign focused on PrEP.

This presentation was made at the AIDS 2020 Virtual Conference. 

Authors: M. Njelesani, S. Maher, A. Chipukuma, M Nyumbu, C. Madevu-Matson, A Fullem, M. Chikuba-McLeod, 2020

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