JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Strengthening Health Information Systems in Mali


JSI, through MEASURE Evaluation, supported Mali’s Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene (MOH)—especially the National Malaria Control Program and the National Directorate of Health—in the unification of Mali’s health information system (HIS).

The goal of this unification was for the HIS to yield better-quality data for effective health system planning and timely response to disease outbreak. MEASURE Evaluation’s work to support the MOH has strengthened both the “enabling environment” and “information generation” areas of the HIS identified in MEASURE Evaluation’s Health Information System Strengthening Model.

This fact sheet superimposes on the HISSM depictions of MEASURE Evaluation’s activities in the enabling environment and information generation areas to support better coordination of Mali’s HIS subsystems. By displaying key interventions across the model, we see their strategic interaction and how this combination of interventions works together to strengthen data quality and data use at all levels of the health system. The table lists additional MEASURE Evaluation activities that support HIS strengthening. 2019.

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