JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Review of Newborn Health Content in Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illnesses and Integrated Community Case Management Training Materials and Job Aids in Seven Maternal and Child Survival Program Countries


This assessment was designed to understand the newborn care content in-country Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMNCI) and iCCM materials, specifically focusing on content related to essential newborn care (ENC), postnatal care (PNC), care for low-birthweight (LBW) and preterm babies, breastfeeding and support to mothers for breast milk feeding, management of possible serious bacterial infection (PSBI), and care during referral.

The review findings will contribute to global- and national-level discussions and revisions to newborn content in standard guidelines for primary health service delivery.  

This assessment is based on the desk review of IMNCI and iCCM materials from selected MCSP countries (listed below) and key informant interviews. It does not assess how the content in the materials is taught or how the content is implemented at service delivery points. 

IMNCI materials from DRC, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Zambia, and iCCM materials from Ethiopia, Nigeria, Mozambique, and Nepal were reviewed. JSI/Maternal and Child Survival Program. 2019.

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