JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Reducing Older Adult Asthma Disparities (ROAAD) Study Summary


This document provides a summary of the findings of the Reducing Older Adults Asthma (ROAAD) study. The ROAAD study was designed to mitigate challenges faced by older adult residents in MA, including, asthma self-management, the inability to afford medicine and multiple health problems, by bringing care and education directly to patients. The study was completed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Lowell Community Health Center (LCHC), and the University of Massachusetts Lowell and hopes to become a model for future programs nationwide. The results were analyzed by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. The study assessed the feasibility of community health workers (CHWs) and nursing teams in a home-visiting program to improve asthma control and quality of life in older adults.

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