JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Recommendations of the Massachusetts Commission on Falls Prevention – Phase 2 Report

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Falls are the leading cause of injuries and injury-related deaths for adults age 65 and older in Massachusetts. This issue is of particular concern where the proportion and number of older adults in the state is increasing dramatically. By 2030, more than 20% of Massachusetts’ residents will be age 65 or older. A greater number of older residents means there will be larger numbers of people who are at risk for falls and fall-related events that can result in increased visits to emergency rooms, hospitals and long term care facilities. This can lead to decreased quality-of-life for a larger portion of the Commonwealth’s population and increased costs to the healthcare system.

This report, prepared by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. for the Massachusetts Commission on Falls Prevention, presents recommendations to reduce the incidence of older adult falls and fall-related injuries in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Prepared by Kim Kronenberg, JSI, 2015.

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