JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Options Guide: Performance-Based Incentives to Strengthen Public Health Supply Chains – Version 1


Building upon the successful model developed in 2007 for the East and Southern Africa Regional Workshop on Performance-Based Financing (PBF) (held in Kigali, Rwanda, May 2–4), which was further refined for the first-ever Asia Regional Workshop on Payment for Performance in 2009 (held in Cebu, Philippines, January 19–23), this guide offers a framework for thinking through and designing a performance-based incentive (PBI) initiative to strengthen supply system performance. Working together with a team from USAID’s supply chain strengthening projects (USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, SCMS, and SIAPS), Health Systems 20/20 adapted the methodology to PBI for supply chains. This is a new and exciting area that we believe has much potential but also much to be learned. We envision this guide as a first edition that will be periodically updated and enriched as countries learn more from the ongoing application of PBI principles to supply chain performance. This guide was completed in 2012.

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