JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Innovating to Vaccinate Every Child in Uganda through Strengthening Subnational Management


This final report details the lessons learned from the Stronger Systems for Routine Immunization Project (SS4RI) project. JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, implemented the SS4RI project which assisted the Ministry of Health and Uganda National Expanded Programme on Immunization (MOH/UNEPI) to improve managerial capacity for routine immunization (RI) services across ten districts from 2014 to 2019. JSI enhanced the existing reaching every child/community approach used in Uganda to create Reaching Every Community using quality improvement to strengthen the delivery, quality, and utilization of RI services.

By the project’s end, there was a 42% increase in number of communities reached with RI services; there was a doubling in the number of immunization sessions both scheduled and conducted by the end of the project; and in
SS4RI-supported districts saw a five-fold increase from baseline in the number of health facilities with up-to-date microplans. JSI/SS4RI. 2020.

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