JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Improving Health Services and Outcomes in the Ninewa Plains, Iraq


Northern Iraq only recently emerged from war, and security challenges and the effects of trauma and displacement persist. To support a resilient and self-reliant approach to improving access to health services, JSI co-created with USAID a strategy to link the development and humanitarian continuum in the Ninewa Plains with a target population of approximately 64,000 residents.

The Advancing Partners & Communities project has given a grant to IMC to improve health services and outcomes in Iraq. IMC is providing an integrated package of essential health, mental health and psychosocial services (MHPSS), and gender-based violence (GBV) services in underserved areas by reactivating psychosocial units and upgrading referral pathways. IMC is also delivering technical capacity-building support for local governmental and nongovernmental stakeholders to promote sustainability of high-quality services and maintain flexibility to respond rapidly to new emergencies and displacements. IMC is providing comprehensive MHPSS services through care teams, and working with DOH to design inclusive activities for vulnerable populations all the way down to the village level. Capacity building is key, and the program will be handed over to the DOH in 2019. JSI/Advancing Partners & Communities. 2019.

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