JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Final Report for the Colorado Psychiatric Access and Consultation for Kids (C-PACK) Project

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In 2013, the Colorado Behavioral Health Care Systems, Inc. launched the Colorado Psychiatric Access and Consultation for Kids (C-PACK) project. C-PACK’s purpose is to address access for children and youth with behavioral health issues, increase primary care providers’ capacity to perform behavioral health management, and to utilize scarce specialty child psychiatry resources more efficiently within Colorado.

Over the course of its first year, C-PACK trained PCPs and BHS as well as established regional teleconsultant teams to deliver real-time psychiatric telephone consultation and care management. Participating BHS served to facilitate access to care for child patients with behavioral health needs.

JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) was contracted to evaluate this rollout. The evaluation plan included staff and provider experience, access indicators, patient demographics, and key provider outcomes.

This report highlights the key impacts of the initiative based on the original C-PACK objectives. The assessment found that C-PACK increased access to child psychiatric specialty consultation and increased identification of children with undiagnosed mental health conditions, among many other findings. JSI, 2015.

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