JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Establishing and strengthening immunization in the second year of life: Practices for vaccination beyond infancy


This document provides practical guidance on establishing and strengthening immunization in the second year of life (2YL) and beyond. It also suggests ways that immunization visits during the 2YL can be used as a platform for delivery of other child health services.

This document is designed to assist countries in making informed decisions about establishing or strengthening a wellchild visit (or visits) in the second year of life that includes vaccination and other services as part of a continuum of care for children. It also provides practical guidance on planning, managing, implementing, and monitoring vaccination services and improving immunization coverage during a scheduled visit in the second year of life that may include other health interventions. A third objective is to provide broad guidance on catch-up vaccination for children older than one year, who are delayed or missing vaccine doses (“un- and/or undervaccinated”).

The intended users of this manual are primarily those who work at country level on immunization and other child-health services. Author: Rebecca Fields, JSI. © World Health Organization 2018

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