JSI RESOURCES: Publications

DMPA-SC Job Aid Pilot and Evaluation in Madagascar: Background, Results and Next Steps


With funding from the Catalytic Opportunity Fund (COF), JSI evaluated the feasibility of using a low-cost training mechanism, known as OAS or “Orientation, Aide par Fiche Technique (job aid)”, to facilitate DMPA-SC scale-up among injection-experienced providers. It was piloted in four pilot districts in Madagascar, covering 76 basic health facilities.

Respondents had a very positive view of the OAS strategy and agreed it was a good alternative to more traditional training that can be scaled up in areas with injection experienced providers. The most significant impact of the OAS strategy has been correcting errors to ensure proper administration of DMPA-SC, thereby eliminating rumors and previous complaints.

This report covers the background, pilot and evaluation, results, and next steps relating to the OAS strategy in Madagascar.

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