JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Democratizing Valuation: A Guide for Multi-Sector Collaboratives


Multi-sector collaboratives (MSCs) are a promising strategy for moving the needle on high-priority health and equity issues. However, given their breadth and long-term prevention orientation, these collaboratives often struggle to demonstrate their potential cost-effectiveness, return-on-investment, and/or non-financial impacts. 

This guide presents real-world examples and a simplified set of valuation tools and processes that MSCs can use to clarify and convey the value of their activity to core supporters and potential contributors. The files below are the narrative descriptions and excel spreadsheets for three partner sites that can inform valuation work on similar issues.

For more information, contact Jeremy Cantor (jeremy_cantor@jsi.com) and Erin Shigekawa (erin_shigekawa@jsi.com).  

Real-World Example Model Description Excel Model
Be There San Diego San Diego – Model Description (PDF file) San Diego – Excel Model Part 1 & Part 2 (.xls file)
Santa Clara Getting to Zero Santa Clara – Model Description (PDF file) Santa Clara – Excel Model (.xls file)
Humboldt Community Health Trust Humboldt – Model Description (PDF file) Humboldt – Excel Model (.xls file)


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