JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Community Monitoring of Individual Children’s Vaccinations: Six Country Experiences


In low- and middle income countries, unsatisfactory vaccination coverage often reflects services that are not sufficiently accessible, convenient, reliable, or friendly. It may also reflect a lack of public understanding or trust in vaccination and/or vaccination services. Additionally, in developing countries, various sociocultural factors affect the likelihood that families make the effort to get their child immunized.

Engaging with communities is a strategy that can improve both immunization services and their appropriate use. Community members can assist in planning services, supporting logistics, supporting vaccination sessions, explaining vaccination and motivating fellow community members, providing feedback on services that flags issues that need to be addressed, and monitoring and evaluating services.

This paper describes six country experiences, facilitated by the USAID Maternal and Child Survival Program from 2014-2019. In each country, one or a few community members monitor every young child's individual vaccinations, promote, vaccination, and refer caregivers to have their children vaccinated. JSI/MCSP. 2018.

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