JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Building Healthy Cities


This document highlights the work of JSI's Building Healthy Cities project. The USAID-funded initiative aims to embed a health equity lens into city policies, planning, and services while improving data flow for existing Smart Cities in India, Indonesia, Nepal, and Vietnam. Health and Smart Cities planning are related; decisions about transport, environment, sanitation, education, recreation, information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure, and the built environment can have a major impact on health, despite being outside the health sector. When this decision-making is harmonized, it can improve access to health services, decrease lifestyle and environmental risk factors for poor nutrition and noncommunicable diseases, reduce the speed of transmission during infectious disease outbreaks, and increase the availability of usable data for urban health decision-making. This document is also available in Bahasa, Hindi, and Vietnamese. JSI, 2017.

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