Found 253 results
To address the limitations identified with procurement and distribution of MNCH devices, this project will establish a prime vendor system (PVS) that targets distributors (prime vendors) in Zambia and Uganda with a select list of maternal and newborn devices that would improve access at guaranteed pricing. This model allows for strategic market shaping by supporting…
The five-year USAID-funded U.S. President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) Malaria Reduction Activity in Uganda aims to improve the survival and well-being of Uganda’s most vulnerable pregnant women and children in selected regions. The Activity works with the Government of Uganda to improve technical, managerial, financial, and leadership capacity at all levels of the health system. The…
The COVID-19 vaccine collaborative supply planning (VCSP) initiative is a coordinated and proven intervention to enhance the COVID-19 vaccine supply planning ecosystem. Leveraging current global and local planning processes and data sources, the initiative has developed an approach to triangulate and analyze information to create and maintain robust and agile supply plans to support decisionmaking….
This one-year project, implemented by JSI Research and Training, Inc. (JSI) and funded by Merck Sharpe, and Dohme, is focused on defining and producing guidance on the key elements of HPV delivery systems that are critical to fully vaccinating girls against HPV. Our approach employs the following strategies: Conduct an evidence-based analysis to delineate the…
Effective risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) enables uptake of key COVID-19 protective behaviors and critical interventions and bolsters trust in and use of essential health services. This project supports Ethiopia to improve adherence to COVID-19 prevention measures, interrupt transmission, and reduce vaccine hesitancy through effective RCCE approaches. The project will strengthen compliance with COVID-19…
John Snow India, through this project, is providing the technical assistance for strengthening urban immunization in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in India to contribute to the national efforts of achieving 90% full immunization coverage (FIC). The overall goal is to increase equitable immunization access and coverage by strengthening the already existing urban health system and…
While India has made significant progress in improving maternal, neonatal, and child health (MNCH) outcomes, wide state-level disparities remain with unacceptably high mortality rates among vulnerable groups such as urban poor, adolescent girls, and tribal populations. As part of USAID’s MOMENTUM suite of awards, the Systems Approach for MNCH focusing on Vulnerable Geographies (SAMVEG) Project…
Behavioral science, the evidence-based study of how people behave, make decisions, and respond to context (UN Innovation Network), offers promise in designing interventions to increase vaccine uptake, but its application in immunization has been limited to date. Through the Behavioral Science Immunization Network (BeSIN) project, JSI supports online and offline engagement at the global and…
The aim of this project is to influence key global health donors to strengthen capacity and re-imagine technical assistance (TA) in recipient countries. The Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health (MNCH) strategy developed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation defines technical assistance as one of the four functions of the global health architecture (along with…
Since 2018 JSI has been supporting the UNFPA Pacific Sub Regional Office (PSRO) and Pacific Island Countries and Territories with improving the use of data for program management and supply chain management (SC) while strengthening and updating the supply chain design to ensure end-to-end visibility of data and better use of that data to reduce…